Saturday, September 10, 2011


For a wedding gift, I was given a spice rack with already filled spice jars. About 20 little jars. I have ever opened maybe five. I have savory, crushed mint, mustard seeds and dill, among others, and have never known what to do with these spices. Four years later, I was sitting there looking at my bottle of caraway seeds wondering "What the heck do I do with THIS?" It struck me that others out there actually DO know what it's used for. Let's put together a great list of recipes using all those odd spices that we have never used, and even those that we use all the time (that one would be rosemary for me. sigh. I long ago used up all my little bottle of rosemary but happened to live next door to a house with a HUGE rosemary plant growing conveniently right down the middle of our two properties. I would sneak out at night and snip off big stems for myself. I felt like the father in Rapunzel)
Tag/label your post with the spices used in it so that we can just click on the spice, and have bunches of recipes right there for us!


  1. Can't wait to start posting recipes! What a great idea!

  2. So how do we post recipes on this thing anyhow???

  3. Ok, that unknown was me, and I figured it out... all operations are go!

  4. this is annette by the way.
